Design & Make : Pulse Oxymeter
The device measuring heart rate, body temperature and SpO2. Each data is sent to the home automation system and monitored these data from remote to check users status.

4 years ago

This device enables to cooperate with the other devices or the functions in the home automation system according to the home automation rules. For instance, when detected the exceptional value of SpO2 was under 93%, notify the emergency by making a call to the registered users having the SIP address (Various rules which you want will be enabled).


Health Check Device


  • Multi Users(ID) : 10-ID, button push once for increment ID, double click for resetting ID back to 1.
  • WiFI Manager : For setting the network and MQTT Topic. Enable to change the access point mode by keeping push the button long. 
  • Deep Sleep Mode : After 60 seconds, enter the sleep mode(wake up by pushing the button).
  • Power:AC100V/DC12V
  • Measuring Data : Body Temp, Ambient, SpO2 and Heart Rate

Project Page

Development Process(Japanese)

GitHub Source Codes

Hass Hcd